World style: Fadi hesitated between Seville and Brighton and will make a decision today

Live Bar, August 31 news from world sports news, Fadi will choose between Brighton and Seville. Meeting with his family Fadi to assess the choice between Seville and Brighton and plan to make a decision today. Brighton was the first team to offer Barcelona Fadi. Dezerby called Barcelona junior general up to five times and assured him that he could become the main player. Sevilla only started trying to persuade the players to join last night. Fadi family members are keen on Sevilla, which also makes Fadi hesitate. Compared with Seville, Fadi can get better economic conditions in Brighton. If you return to Seville, Fadi will return to the beginning of the football Road before the age of 12, and Seville can also play the Champions League. (Any Door)

Italian media: guomi up to 5 million euro-first rent, buy Endong Belai Aslani or exchange with Lopes

Live broadcast bar, August 31, according to market reports, Inter Milan can rent up to 5 million euros first and then buy an offer from endonbelay. Aslani may exchange his boss with MAXIM’S-Lopes. According to the report, Inter Milan is considering further strengthening the midfield. There are two goals, namely endonbele and MAXIM’S-Lopes, and they hope to increase the midfield hardness. After receiving the offer from Genoa and tuchao teams, Endong Belai is still waiting for the offer from Inter Milan. Inter Milan needs to know whether Tottenham will accept the transfer method of rent-to-buy before the offer. If Tottenham accepts it, therefore, due to budget restrictions, the maximum price offered by Inter Milan is 5 million euros and rent-to-buy. Because Inter Milan hopes to complete low-cost recruitment. As for MAXIM’S-Lopes, Inter may use the good relationship with the Sassuolo club to complete the recruitment. The two sides discussed the trading method of player exchange during the negotiation. Sassuolo are interested in Sensi and Aslani, among them, Aslani is more interested. If you join Sassuolo, Aslani will get more playing time. At present, Inter Milan is still in contact with Sassuolo. At present, Inter Milan has no intention to sell Aslani directly, while Sensi will stay in Inter Milan. (Iron Steel Fist)