Sky: Fulham and Everton hold in-depth negotiations on ivabi’s transfer, and the players are open-minded.

Live Bar, August 31 according to Sky Sports, Fulham is in deep negotiations with Everton on the transfer of ivabi. It is understood that the two clubs are now finalizing the transaction cost and structure. Ivabi has one year left in his contract with Everton. As far as the current situation is concerned, he will not sign a new contract. It is believed that Ivo is more open to transfer, and it is expected that reaching personal terms will not be a problem. (Ma Dongyu)


2023年8月29日深夜,当易建联用一条微博宣告运动生涯结束的时候,人们用尽所有褒扬来表达对这位男篮旗帜球星的敬意。在这些赞美中间,更多被提到的一句话是:一个时代结束了。 阿联之后,再无阿联。 无独有偶,职业生涯同样跨度二十多年的前国足队长郑智也在2023年的盛夏正式挂靴。 中国足坛的最后一位大哥,戎马生涯21载,与他缺憾的国家队生涯一起封箱。 他的最后一次国家队登场是在2019年的亚洲杯8强,中国队最终以0-3不敌伊朗队。39岁的郑智作为场上队长,在后腰的位置上打满了90分钟。赛后,他用掩面痛哭宣泄着英雄的迟暮和无力回天的痛楚。 他终究要脱下这件10号战袍,但配得上国足10号的球员,至今仍然难以寻觅。 郑智和易建联,他们在21世纪初入选国家队,又同时在2019年完成最后一舞。 虽然他们的生涯其实有着诸多的不同,足球和篮球也很难归于一谈,但他们就像是互相纠葛的两条曲线,一直绵延向前,扛起了中国体育十多年来最重量级的两支队伍。 正如外界所言,负重前行的他们,走得并不耀眼灿烂。 以前,总觉得男篮的11号与国足的10号与前辈姚明和范志毅相差甚远。后来,我们发现当他们卸下戎装,背后早已一片荒凉,连他们同等水平的继承人都没有。 他俩并非天生领袖,起初都只是普普通通的角色和辅助,却都在危难关口成为球队核心,他们的离开自然是一种释然。对每位运动员来说,能打到打不动为止是一种幸运,也是一种悲哀。 如果我们有选择,何必让老臣鞠躬尽瘁呢?回顾他俩的过去,阿联与郑智便是中国篮球与中国足球过往20年的缩影与真实写照。 一、风生水起 2000年易建联入选广东青年队,官龄13岁的他已经长到了2米02的身高。两年后,易建联在CBA参加首秀,拿下最佳新秀。他的成长非常迅速,从一名普通轮换,在两年间就成为了广东男篮的内线核心。2004-05赛季,易建联带队夺冠,成为CBA历史上最年轻的总决赛MVP,一年之后,他帮助广东队蝉联总冠军。 此时的他,已经吸引了来自大洋彼岸的众多球探的目光。 而郑智的起步并没有那么顺畅:在20岁之前,他在辽宁青年队征战中乙联赛,担任右边后卫,出场机会寥寥。2001年,他追随朱广沪,加盟深圳平安。在恩师麾下,郑智从一个防守型球员,改打中场核心,穿上了10号球衣。来年郑智荣膺中国足球先生,他成为了最年轻的中国足球先生。往后的3年里,郑智拿下两座中超冠军和赛季双冠王,单赛季21球的数据告诉他:是时候走出去了。 2007年1月1日,郑智租借加盟英超联赛的查尔顿队,穿上了9号球衣。 与此同时,国内家喻户晓的易建联在当年前往美国。作为第六顺位新秀,易建联登陆密尔沃基,在雄鹿队开启NBA生涯。 两个人的旅程在这一刻重叠起来,在北京奥运的前一年,他们成功地走出去,穿上属于各自的9号球衣,在陌生的国度,独自打拼。 得益于姚明的巨大成功,易建联被寄予厚望,在生涯第一场NBA比赛就获得了首发登场的机会,他和姚明同场竞技的中国德比,观看人数达到了2亿人。易建联一度当选2007年12月最佳新秀,但意外的伤病打乱了计划,易建联先后遭遇肩伤和膝伤,逐渐淡出首发阵容。 据后来的一位助教透露,易建联受到的伤病困扰比预期的要严重得多,他无法克服伤病,心态受到了很大的影响。 2008年夏天,易建联被交易到了新泽西篮网队,在这里打出过生涯最为高光的时段。2009-10赛季,个人场均数据达到了12分7.1篮板,但较低的投篮效率和糟糕的球队战绩让他的漂亮数据大打折扣。随后辗转华盛顿与达拉斯,板凳席成了阿联最不愿回想的时光。回家的钟声提醒他,是时候应该回来了。 同期的郑智,他的留洋一样有过高光,但如流星一般,一闪而过。 租借到查尔顿的第一年,郑智打了12场比赛,并且在对阵纽卡斯尔的比赛里打进了英超处子球也是唯一的进球。赛季结束后,降级到英冠的查尔顿以200万英镑的价格将郑智正式买断。他和球队签下了两年合同,当季出战了42场英冠比赛,贡献了7球6助攻,但因为过度疲劳,郑智在接下来的一年里状态低迷,最终与查尔顿分道扬镳。 2009年9月,郑智转会前往苏超劲旅凯尔特人,与罗比·基恩并肩作战,但这一次,郑智没能融入球队,只是留下了16场1球的数据。2010年,郑智以自由身回归国内,加入广州恒大队。就此开创了恒大王朝,中超八冠王,3年两夺亚冠,个人荣膺亚洲足球先生,在俱乐部收获了亚洲领域层面的大满贯。 阿联同样如此,在返回广东队的第一年,就率领球队夺回总冠军,个人当选本土MVP和总决赛MVP。2019到2021的三冠王伟业,阿联用最后的巅峰延续广东队的辉煌。 二、抱憾而归 对于中国男篮球迷来说,2008年姚明退场之后,便没能达到世界前8水平。 也正是在姚明伤退之后,原本作为辅助角色的易建联无缝衔接了核心地位。这一当,就是足足11年。 2012年的伦敦奥运会,面对大小加索尔和伊巴卡的车轮战,易建联独得30分12篮板,震撼世界。然而,双拳难敌四手,伦敦与里约中国男篮遭遇了五战全败。 2019年的男篮世界杯,中国队更是被伊朗挤掉,失去奥运资格。在最后一场对尼日利亚的生死战上,32岁的易建联拿下27分6篮板,倾其所有的表现令人动容,只是谁也想不到,这竟成了易建联在国家队的谢幕演出。 此时的中国男足已经连续4次无缘世界杯,大伙似乎见怪不怪了。2017年的卡塔尔,队长郑智用一张红牌换来了仅存的12强赛的出线希望。可惜,国足命不由我。2年后,二进宫的里皮依然把郑智视为不可替代的人物,但意大利教头却把队长袖标交给了蒿俊闵。 40强赛客战叙利亚,郑智在板凳席坐了90分钟,看着比分牌上刺眼的1比2。他很想出力,却发现球队渐渐不需要他了。赛后,里皮的主动辞职不仅宣告意大利人与中国队的分道扬镳,更成了郑智国家队的最后注脚。 他不再能用红牌牺牲自己,不再能用泪水表达不甘,只能在替补席静静地坐着,看着下一代继续追逐自己未竟的梦。 4年后的今天,易建联用一条微博讲述了他的篮球旅程,不是所有人都知道,最后的几年,易建联带着浑身的伤病坚持征战,或许他还有再度出战奥运会的愿望,但现在并不容易做到了。接下来的中国男篮,再也难以找到一位随时都能砍下20分的核心主将,熟悉的易建联三板斧成了过去式,没有人再能复刻。 在大连的梭鱼湾球场,当郑智接过那件10号纪念球衣,挥手作别时,他留下的是108场国家队出战纪录,从2002年到2019年,从22岁到39岁,有太多的遗憾,有珍贵的感动,中国足球的浮浮沉沉,他与球迷一同经历。 阿联与郑智退场后,为了撑起男篮与男足这两面大旗,中国男篮与中国男足从2019年开始不约而同地选择了归化,试图用归化球员来度过这段低谷期。 以艾克森、李可、蒋光太为主的男足归化球员,通过一届世预赛的考验,证明了一支有竞争力的队伍,并不是靠简单的归化就能一步达成,一下子就可以完成球队进军世界杯的梦想。 男篮也是如此。火线加入的李凯尔并不是攻坚主将,这支中国男篮也无法靠着李凯尔一个人的能量上演直通巴黎的奇迹。他们的确能力很强,但这些归化球员们,似乎又差了那么一点意思。 比起归化和年轻人,这两位秉承老一辈风骨的领袖身上所展现的敬业、专注、自律与赤诚之心才是目前最大的财富。 如果从他们漫长的职业生涯看,易建联与郑智算不上完美偶像,他们早期有许多被人诟病的地方,彼此距离各自前辈仍有明显的差距,但这丝毫没有阻碍他们不断进行自我约束,自我提升的欲望。 易建联从蓝领篮板手变成了单打核心,后期又变成了防守中坚;郑智从后卫改打中场核心,在国家队又屡次客串中后卫。他们距离世界顶尖仍有差距,但他们真的为了成为更好的自己而不断向前,直至感慨岁月沉重,难以向前,才挥别作罢。 离开之际,易建联说:“如果要拿领袖来定义我的话,我觉得很失败,过往的七八年球队都没有在世界大赛赢过球,自己在各方面还是做得很差劲的。我一直都在想着怎么去赢球,却又看到了与强队的差距……” 郑智也说:“像我这样的年龄再去冲击下届(2022)世界杯,已经没有多大的意义了。足球运动有自己的规律,要靠身体和体能做支撑。我在国家队效力了17年,已经倾其所有,但我要跟球迷说声对不起,没有给国家队带来什么。” 如今,两位功勋正式谢场。当我们举目四望,穷极千里,竟然看不到能接过这残风暗夜里摇摇欲坠大旗的当下和未来?这是何等的悲哀。 复兴之路,他们究竟会在何方?

Lucucu: Rome’s ambition shocked my fans and inspired me to give everything to Rome.

Live Bar, August 31 News Roman officials announced Chelsea to sign Lukaku to join on loan for a season. Lucuku said: I was deeply moved by the welcome given to me by the club and fans, which also inspired me to give everything to my new team. As an opponent, I once felt the enthusiasm of Roman fans at the Olympic Stadium. It is wonderful to be one of them today. In recent days, I have had the opportunity to communicate with the club owners. Their ambition shocked me deeply. Now we should work hard, remain modest and improve ourselves one by one. Personally, I can’t wait to fully support my teammates on and off the court.

Totti: Rome doesn’t have the strength to win Serie A & win the championship. The hot thing is Juve Jose is Rome’s extra weapon.

Live broadcast on August 31, when interviewed by Radio Serie A, Totti talked about Rome and Jose Jose this season. In 2020, Totti once said that he was willing to have a cup of coffee with Roman President Fridkin to talk about the possibility of returning to the club. However, the two sides have not had a cup of coffee together yet, and the reporter also asked this question, totti said: “Yes, we haven’t drunk yet. The bar is still closed (laughing).” When talking about Rome’s goals for the new season, Totti said: “Rome must change the results, but Jose and his team already know how to perform and how to play, I believe the new aid will help the team.” When asked why Rome failed to win the Serie A championship, Totti said: “because they have no ability to win the Serie A championship, we ‘d better be realistic. In Serie A, there are stronger teams, so we must take returning to the Champions League as our goal, because Rome is worthy of participating in the Champions League.” “In my opinion, the most popular candidate for Serie A champion is Juventus, but everything is possible.” At last, Totti talked about Jose, and he said, “Jose? No matter as a head coach or manager, he is No. 1. It is an ideal choice for the club to coach the team and he is an extra weapon for Rome.” (Iron Steel Fist)

Photo: Phil Kruger may sign kochap before arriving at Dort for medical examination. Dort window

Live Bar, August 31 according to the report of pictorial, Bremen striker Phil Kruger has arrived in dort for medical examination. Phil Kruger joined Dort again. According to the photo, Phil Kruger has arrived in Dort and is currently undergoing a medical examination. This morning, Dort manager Stanich took Phil Kruger to the hospital for examination. Phil Kruger will sign a contract with Dort until 2026. he still has millions of euro bonus terms. According to German media reports, even after signing Phil Kruger, Dort will not stop recruiting. Dort currently has a transfer budget. They intend to introduce Southampton defender kochap. Dort wants to strengthen again before closing the window. (von Mario)

Enzo: I scored the first goal in this magical Club, which is a wonderful feeling.

Live Bar, August 31 news in the second round of the Carling Cup, Chelsea beat AFC Wimbledon 2-1, Enzo scored in the second half, which was also the first goal of Enzo’s Chelsea career. He updated the social media dynamics and talked about the feeling of scoring the first goal. Enzo: “My first goal in this magical club, what a wonderful feeling! Thanks to my teammates and all the fans who support me, let’s cheer together!” (mageth)

Looking forward to it! Reporter: Bayern negotiated personal terms with Fulham’s back Pelia

Live broadcast bar, August 31, reporter Philipp Kessler news, Bayern reached a personal agreement with Fulham’s Portuguese backside palinia, and now the transfer depends on the negotiation between Bayern and Fulham. The reporter said that Fulham’s attitude was that the team would only allow palinia if they found a suitable substitute. The 28-year-old palynia joined Fulham from Portugal for 20 million euros last year. The Reporter said that he was the player expected by tuhull in the 6th position in the back waist. According to the latest data from de Zhuan, palinia is worth 40 million euros.

Cui Kangxi is dissatisfied with Guoan coach: I don’t know what I think when I celebrate on the bench of others.

Live broadcast on August 31st News FA Cup 1/4 final, Shandong Taishan penalty kick War 6-5 eliminated Beijing Guoan. According to daily sports news, after the game, Shandong Taishan coach Cui Kangxi attended the press conference and talked about the celebration of Guoan coach Suarez. Cui Kangxi said: football is playing football, not fighting. I have been a coach for 30 years and celebrated on the bench of others. I don’t know what I think. No one stopped them. In fact, the opponent is also a colleague, not an enemy. They need to respect each other. If there is no respect, it will be meaningless. In this game, after Guoan equalized the score in the first half, Suarez rushed to the Taishan bench to celebrate the goal and eat the yellow card.